Collect Pull Tabs for RMHC

Join the Challenge! Collect Pull Tabs for RMHC

The Pull Tab Program invites people of all ages to collect aluminum tabs from cans (beverage, soup, tuna, etc.) to support families who rely on the resources of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Nashville. Thanks to our local recycling partner, the tabs are recycled and turned into monetary donations for RMHC of Nashville. Annually, these little tabs, help generate almost $2,500  thanks to the generosity of individuals like you!


It is easy to get started! Just follow these steps:
  1. Find or create a pull tab container. Pull tabs can be collected in just about anything! Consider using an old milk jug, box, coffee can, garbage can, or a sandwich bag. You can even download a container wrap from the pull tab website. Feeling crafty? Create an eye-catching container that can help raise interest and awareness of your collection.
  2. Place your container in a convenient, visible location, whether in your home, meeting space or community kitchen.
  3. Start collecting aluminum tabs. (Don’t forget to recycle the remaining part of the can!) Make it fun by challenging family, friends, and co-workers to help with your collection!
  4. Drop off your collection! There are two options when it comes turning in your tabs:
    1. Stop by our House at 2144 Fairfax Avenue Nashville, TN 37212 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m.).
    2. Drop off your collection at our annual Pull Tab Collection Challenge Drop Day Celebration! This event takes place every November.


Although the whole can is valuable, the tab is much cleaner and easier to collect in large quantities, while also being made of high-grade aluminum. By itself, a tab doesn’t seem like much, but when we pull together, even small tabs can make a big difference for the families we serve. Pull tabs are also a very inexpensive way for individuals, schools, or organizations to give back to their community while helping raise awareness and money for RMHC of Nashville.


Q: How much are my pull tabs worth? A: The price of aluminum will vary depending on supply and demand. Q: How does the money raised from pull tabs help? A: The funds generated from this program go toward our general operating budget to ensure that our House and Family Room continue to stay open and help keep families close during a difficult time. Q: Do you have any cardboard house collection containers? A: No, we no longer have any cardboard houses for collection. If you are interested in sponsoring the print of new cardboard houses, please email info@rmhcnashville.com.

Make a Difference for Families & Children

Parents don’t know when their children will need medical help. But they should know they can always access the care they need. And with your help, we can support them all throughout their journey.